P.H. Fuss' publication of Euler's Correspondence

In 1845, P. H. Fuss published a 2-volume work, the Correspondance mathématique et physique de quelques célèbres géomètres du XVIIIème siècle. It contained much of the correspondence between Leonhard Euler, Christian Goldbach, Nicolas Fuss, and several members of the Bernoulli family (Johann I, Nicolas, and Daniel). More than 150 years later, Fuss' book continues to be one of the best sources for this correspondence.

In addition to publishing the correspondence, Fuss included a short biography of Euler, and a list of all of Euler's known works. Fuss had uncovered several of these himself, and brought the number of Euler's documented publications to 756. This list would remain the standard catalog of Euler's works until Gustaf Eneström's index was published in 1913.

These books are rare and difficult to find. For that reason, the Euler Archive is proud to make all of Fuss' introductory material and all of Euler's letters from the Correspondance available here.

Volume 1
The rest of Volume 1 is taken up by the Euler-Goldbach correspondence. The book can be downloaded here in several sections. (To see a list of the individual letters, and to download a specific letter, visit the Euler-Goldbach correspondence page.)

Volume 2
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