E121 -- Opuscula Varii Argumenti, Bd. 2
(Various works, volume 2)
Originally published with the full title:
Conjectura physica circa propagationem soni ac luminis una cum aliis
dissertationibus analyticis
De numeris amicabilibus De natura aequationum, ac De rectificatione ellipsis.
(Physical conjectures on the propogation of sound and light with other dissertations:
on amicable numbers, on natural equations, and on the rectification of ellipses)
E121 is one of an unusual group of Enestrom numbers. It refers to a collection of articles
which were published together (in this case E151-E154), but which contains no other
writings of Euler.
According to Enestrom, E121 is usually referred to as Opuscula Varii Argumenti, volume 2, as it part of a three
volume series. The other two parts are:
- Originally published as a book in 1750.
- For information on publication in the Opera Omnia, see the individual works
Documents Available:
- As mentioned above, E121 is in fact a collection of 4 works of Euler. For the
original documents, see the page corresponding work:
- E151 Coniectura physica circa propagationem soni ac luminis
- E152 De numeris amicabilibus
- E153 Demonstratio gemina theorematis Neutoniani
- E154 Animadversiones in rectificationem ellipsis
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