E153 -- Demonstratio gemina theorematis Neutoniani, quo traditur relatio inter coefficientes cuiusvis aequationis algebraicae et summas potestatum radicum eiusdem
(A double demonstration of a theorem of Newton, which gives a relation between the coefficient of an algebraic equation and the sums of the powers of its roots)
According to C. G. J. Jacobi, a treatise with
this title was read to the Berlin Academy on January 12, 1747.
Originally published in Opuscula varii argumenti 2, 1750, pp. 108-120
Opera Omnia: Series 1, Volume 6, pp. 20 - 30
- According to Jacobi, the manuscript of the printed
treatise can be found in the archive of the Berlin Academy.
Documents Available:
- Original publication:
- English translation (Jordan Bell): E153
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