E156 -- Opusculorum tomus III
(Works, volume 3)
Originally published with the full title: L. Euleri Opusculorum tomus III. continens novam theoriam magnetis ab illustr. academia
regia scient: Parisina praemio condecoratam a. 1744. Una cum nonnullis aliis dissertationibus
analytico-mechanicis. Berolini, sumtibus Ambr. Haude et Joh. Carol. Speneri, Bibliopol. reg. et
acad. scient. privil. 1751.
E156 is one of an unusual group of Enestrom numbers. It refers to a collection of articles
which were published together (in this case E109, E173, and E174), but which are
about different topics.
The other two volumes of this series are:
- Originally published as a book in 1751.
- For information on publication in the Opera Omnia, see the individual works
Documents Available:
- As mentioned above, E156 is in fact a collection of 3 works of Euler. For the
original documents, see the page corresponding work:
- Title page
- E109 Dissertatio de magnete
- E173 Nova methodus inveniendi traiextorias reciprocas algebraicas
- E174 De motu corporum flexibilium
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