E80 -- Opuscula varii argumenti.
Various short works on reason
E80 is one of an unusual group of Enestrom numbers. It refers to a collection of articles
which were published together (in this case E86-E91), but which are (usually)
about different topics.
E80 is usually referred to as Opuscula Varii Argumenti, volume 1, as it part of a three
volume series. The other two parts are:
- Originally published as a book in 1746.
- For information on publication in the Opera Omnia, see the individual works
Documents Available:
- As mentioned above, E80 is in fact a collection of 6 works of Euler. For the
original documents, see the page corresponding work:
- E86 De motu corporum in superficiebus mobilibus
- E87 Tabulae astronomicae solis et lunae
- E88 Nova theoria lucis et colorum
- E89 De relaxione motus planetarum
- E90 Enodatio quaestionis utrum materiae facultas cogitandi tribui possit necne
- E91 Recherches physiques sur la nature des moindres parties de la matiere
- The Euler Archive attempts to monitor current scholarship for articles and books that may be of interest to Euler Scholars. Selected references we have found that discuss or cite E80 include:
- Guicciardini N., �An episode in the history of dynamics: Jakob Hermann's proof (1716-1717) of propsition 1, book 1, of Newton's Principia.� Historia Mathematica, 23 (2), pp. 167-181 (May 1996).
- James FAJL., �The physical interpretation of the wave theory of light.� British Journal for the History of Exact Sciences, 17 (55), pp. 47-60 (1984).
- Lindsay RB., �Story of acoustics.� Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 39 (4), pp. 629-& (1966).
- Maltese G., �On the relativity of motion in Leonhard Euler's science.� Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 54 (4), pp. 319-348 (2000).
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