Astronomical Precession and Nutation

Original Titles
English Titles

131An emmendation to astronomical tables of locating the geocenters of planets
171Research on the precession of the equinoxes and on the nutation of the earth's axis
180Notice on the subject of Research on the precession of the equinoxes
223Concerning the variation of latitude of fixed stars and the obliquity of the ecliptic
293General remarks on the daily motion of the planets
308Recherches sur le mouvement de rotation des corps celestes
458A new method of reducing the motions of the principal planets to astronomical tables
472Commentatio hypothetica de periculo a nimia cometae approponquatione metuendo
519New method to determine the motion of planets
538Necessary cautions in the determination of the motion of planets which are to be observed
547Simple determination of the orbit of a comet, when it is possible to observe its transit across the ecliptic twice
840De motu cometarum in orbitis parabolicis, solem in foco habentibus