Acta Academiae Scientarum Imperialis Petropolitinae

Original Titles
English Titles

487Reflections of Mr. L. Euler on new experiments in optics, communicated to the academy of sciences by Mr. Wilson
488Observations on the foregoing dissertation of Bernoulli
489On unravelling exponential formulas
490On the representation of spherical surfaces on a plane
491On the geographical projections of spherical surfaces
492On de Lisle's geographic projection and its use
493Vera theoria refractionis et dispersionis radiorum rationibus et experimentis confirmata
494On the figure that the wind can induce on a stagnant fluid
495Considerationes super problemate astronomico in tomo commentarior. veter. IV. pertractato.
496On the apparent figure of the ring of Saturn, according to the place of it from any perspective on earth
497On the appearance and disappearance of the rings of Saturn
499On the integration of the formula ∫ (dx lx)/√(1-xx) from x = 0 to x = 1
500On the value of the integral formula ∫ ((xa-1 dx)/lx)(1-xb)(1-xe)/(1-xn) bounded at x = 0 and extended to x = 1
501Considerations about brachistochrones
502On the effects of refraction during terrestrial observations
503De motu oscillatorio penduli cuiuscunque, dum arcus datae amplitudinis absolvit
504On the Theory of the Moon which is to be carried to a higher level of perfection
505De corporibus regularibus per doctrinam sphaericam determinatis; ubi simul nova methodus globos sive coelestes sive terrestres charta obducendi traditur
506(Elucidations about a most elegant method, which the illustrious la Grange used in the integration of the differential equation dx/√X = dy/√Y
507On the infinity of infinities of orders of the infinitely large and infinitely small
508The determination of the loads which columns are strong enough to bear
509An examination of an outstanding paradox occurring in the theory of columns
510De altitudine columnarum sub proprio pondere corruentium
511Thoughts concerning the Earth's motional inequalities caused by Venus' action, accompanied with a table of the corrections of Earth's position
512Investigatio perturbationum quae in motu terrae ab actione Veneris producunter: cum tabula perturbationum istarum
513On triangular curves
514On the measure of solid angles
515De casibus quibusdam maxime memorabilibus in analysi indeterminata, ubi imprimis insignis usus calculi angulorum in analysi Diophantea ostenditur
516De motu oscillatorio duorum corporum ex filo super trochleas traducto suspensorum
517On a certain problem in mechanics, obvious enough, but with a most difficult solution
518Solutio gemina problematis, quo motus corporis, filo alicubi alligati, super plano horizontali quaeritur
519New method to determine the motion of planets
522On the formation of continuous fractions
523On three square numbers, of which the sum and the sum of products two apiece will be a square
524A universal spherical trigonometry, derived briefly and from first principles
525De motu oscillatorio mixto plurium pendulorum ex eodem corpore mobili suspensorum
526Investigatio motuum, quibus laminae et virgae elasticae contremiscunt
527A conjecture about the nature of air, by which are to be explained the phenomenon which have been observed in the atmosphere
528An annotation to the preceding dissertation
529A theory of parallaxes, accommodating the spheroid shape of the Earth
532On the remarkable properties of a series of Lambert and others
533On the oscillating motion derived from a tense hanging thread
534Elucidations about several rather difficult cases of equilibrium
535Determinatio omnium motuum, quos chorda tensa et uniformiter crassa recipere potest
536On the properties of triangles in mechanics
537On the figure of elastic curves against the objections of the illustrious d'Alembert
538Necessary cautions in the determination of the motion of planets which are to be observed
539A supplement to the calculation of integrals for the calculation of irrational formulas
540A new method for resolving all rational fractions into simpler fractions
541The expansion of the infinite product (1-x)(1-xx)(1-x3)(1-x4)(1-x5) etc. into a single series
542On the remarkable properties of the pentagonal numbers
543Problematis cuiusdam Pappi Alexandrini constructio
544De motu libero plurium corporum filis colligatorum super plano horizontali
545De vi fluminis ad naves sursum trahendas applicanda
547Simple determination of the orbit of a comet, when it is possible to observe its transit across the ecliptic twice
548De variis motuum generibus, qui in satellitibus planetarum locum habere possunt.
549De motibus maxime irregularibus, qui in systemate mundano locum habere possent, una cum methodo hujusmodi motus per temporis spatium quantumvis magnum prosequendi.
563On the smallest ellipse which is to circumsrcibe a given rectilinear parallelogram
564Speculations about certain outstanding properties of numbers
565On highly transcendental quantities, which may not be expressed in any way by integral formulas
566De inductione ad plenam certitudinem evehenda
567Dilucidationes de motu chordarum inaequaliter crassarum
568De motu penduli circa axem cylindricum, fulcro datae figurae incumbentem, mobilis. Remota frictione
569De motu penduli circa axem cylindricum, fulcro datae figurae incumbentem, mobilis. Habita frictionis ratione
570On finding longitude of a place by observing the distance between the moon and a known fixed star
571De eclipsibus solaribus in superficie terrae per proiectionem repraesentandis.
572Nova methodus integrandi formulas differentiales rationales sine subsidio quantitatum imaginariarum
573De duplici genesi tam epicycloidum quam hypocycloidum
574De curvis rectificabilibus in superficie coni recti ducendis
575De mirabilibus proprietatibus unciarum, quae in evolutione binomii ad potestatem quamcunqua evecti occurrunt
576De oscillationibus minimis funis libere suspensi
577De perturbatione motus chordarum ab earum pondere oriunda
578On the disturbance of motion concerning planets and comets
581A more complete investigation into the relationship between those quantities contained in the integral formula ∫ (\Z dz)/√(1+mzz+nz4), where Z denotes a rational function of zz.
582The fruitful development of a relation which may be established between the arcs of conic sections
583De numero memorabili in summatione progressionis harmonicae naturalis occurrente
584De insignibus proprietatibus unciarum binomii ad uncias quorumvis polynomiorum extensis
585De effectu frictionis in motu volutorio
601De symptomatibus quatuor punctorum, in eodem plano sitorum
602Methodus facilis omnia symptomata linearum curvarum non in eodem plano sitarum investigandi
603De descensu baculi super hypomochlio cylindro fixo delabentis
604On rectilinear and oblique reciprocal trajectories
605On the remarkable properties of the elastic curves under the equation y = ∫ (xx dx)/√(1-x4)
606Speculations concerning the integral formula ∫ (xndx)/√(aa-2bx+cxx), where at once occur exceptional observations about continued fractions
607De motu globi circa axem obliquum quemcunque gyrantis et super plano horizontali incedentis