Enestrom Numbers 300-399

Original Titles
English Titles

300Demonstration of a Bernoullian theorem in which cycloids are ultimately produced from the evolution, continued to infinity, of any right-angled curve
301De motu corporis ad duo centra virium fixa attracti
302On the motion of vibrations in drums
303Tentamen de sono campanarum
304Considerationes de motu corporum coelestium
305On the propagartion of sound
306Supplement to the research on the propagation of sound
307Continuation into the propagation of sound
308Recherches sur le mouvement de rotation des corps celestes
309Solution of a curious question which does not seem to have been subjected to any analysis
310New method to eliminate the unknown quantities in equations
311Research into simple microscopes and the methods to perfect them
312Research on microscopes with three lenses and the methods by which to make them
313On the advantage to the banker in the game of Pharaon
314Conjecture into the reasons why flat tones are generally heard in music
315Concerning the true character of modern music
316On three lens glasses which represent upright objects
317Clarifications on the movement of vibrating strings
318Research into the motion of unequally thick strings
319Research into the integration of the equation (ddz/dt2)=aa(ddz/dx2)+(b/x)(dz/dx) + (c/xx)z
320Research into a new type of construction of six lens glasses and their improvement
321Observations concerning the integrals of formulas ∫ xp-1dx(1-xn)q/n-1 setting x=1 after integration
322The use of discontinued functions in analysis
323Concerning the use of a new algorithm to solve the Pell problem
324Properties of triangles for which certain angles have a ratio between themselves
325Easy solutions to some difficult geometric problems
326Analytical observations
327On the rectilinear motion of three bodies mutually attracted to each other
328On the motion of a body attracted to two fixed centers of forces
329On the appearance of the heavens observed through transparent spherical segments
330Supplement on the shape of the teeth of wheels [gear teeth]
331On the motion of fluids arising from different degrees of heat
332Research concerning the flow of rivers
333Research into the curvature of surfaces
334General research on the mortality and the propagation of the human race
335Concerning annuity incomes
336On the motion of a rotating solid round a mobile axis
337Problem: A body is attracted by reason of the reciprocal square of the distance towards two given fixed points, find the case where the described curve by this body will be algebraic, solved by Mr. Euler
338On the probability of series in the Genoese lottery
339On the motion of a string which at the start has only been struck only in one area
340Detailed clarifications concerning the generation and propagation of sound and on the formation of echo
341Report concerning a new method for the propagation of grain
342Foundations of Differential Calculus, with Applications to Finite Analysis and Series, Volume 2
343Letters to a German Princess on various topics in physics and philosophy
344Letters to a German Princess on various topics in physics and philosophy
345On integrated equations of the type dx/√(A+Bx+Cx2+Dx3+Ex4) = dy/√(A+By+Cy2+Dy3+Ey4)
346De arcubus curvarum aeque amplis earumque comparatione
347More general development of formulas serving for the comparison of curves
348Methodus facilis motus corporum coelestium utcunque perturbatos ad rationem calculi astronomici revocandi
349Disquisition on the true law of refraction of rays of different colors
350On a new type of microscope composed of six lenses
351On a telescope made from four lenses and its perfection
352Remarks on a beautiful relation between direct as well as reciprocal power series
353Research into the confusion which exists in dioptic lenses caused by their aperture
354Research into the methods to diminish or reduce the confusion caused by the opening of the lenses
355New method to improve the objective lenses for glasses
356Determination of the apparent field that is discovered by telescopes as well as by microscopes
357General rules for the construction of telescopes and of microscopes
358On the perfection of astronomic glasses which represent inverted objects
359The manufacture of lenses composed of two different types of glass which does not present any confusion
360The correct way to manufacture composes lenses which will reduce all confusion in the glasses
361Reflections on the ways in which to examine the refraction of glass by the way of prisms
362The necessary corrections to the theory of the magnetic declination which was proposed in Volume XIII of the Memoires
363Notebook concerning a general theory of dioptrics
364Letter written to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin
365Extracts from some letters by Euler to d'Alembert
366Foundations of Differential Calculus, with Applications to Finite Analysis and Series, Volume 3
367Optics, part 1
368On a hyperbolic curve expressed by this equation y = 1*2*3*...*x
369How very large numbers are to be tested for whether they are prime or not
370A new criteria for acquiring the imaginary roots of equations
371Considerations on completing the theory of the motion of the moon and especially of its variation
372Note of certain precautions to be taken in the investigation of the inequalities by which the heavenly bodies are perturbed in their motion
373More accurate investigation of the phenomena which can be produced in the diurnal motion of the earth by celestial forces
374On the equilibrium and motion of bodies connected by flexible curves
375First section on the state of equilibrium of fluids
376Considerations on the difficulties that one encounters during the manufacture of objective lenses
377Research into reflective telescopes and their perfection
378Research on another construction of reflecting telescopes
379Concerning the confusion which exists in dioptical instruments due to the diverse refrangibility of light rays
380Concerning the new English glasses of Mr. Dolland and on the principle on which it is based
381On the advantages of telescopic glasses built with two lenses
382Remarks on the effect of friction on equilibrium
383Methods to apply for improving the degree of perfection in the manufacture of telescopic lenses
384Research on the inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn
385Foundations of Integral Calculus, volume 3
386Optics, part 2
387Complete instruction in algebra, book 1
388Complete instruction in algebra, book 2
389Research and calculations on the true elliptical orbit of the comet of the year 1769 and its periodic time
390(Considerations of orthogonal trajectories)
391On double integral formulas
392Development of a notable paradox concerning the equality of surfaces
393On the sum of series involving the Bernoulli numbers
394On the partition of numbers into a number of parts of a given type
395On finding however many mean proportionals without regard to extraction of roots
396Section two of Principles of Fluid Motion
397Exposition of methods, not only for determining the parallax of the sun from an observed transit of Venus across the sun, but also for finding longitudes of places on the earth from observations of eclipses of the sun, together with calculations and conclusions deduced therefrom
398New method to determine the perturbations during the motion of heavenly bodies caused by their mutual attraction
399Reflections on the different ways that one can describe the movement of the moon