E738 -- Solutio quaestionis curiosae ex doctrina combinationum
(The solution of a curious question in the science of combinations)
This paper discusses the number of derangements of a set of numbers.
Originally published in Memoires de l'academie des sciences de St.-Petersbourg 3, 1811, pp. 57-64
Opera Omnia: Series 1, Volume 7, pp. 435 - 440
Documents Available:
- Original publication: E738
- Richard J. Pulskamp has put together a fantastic page on Euler's Probability & Statistics, including a lot of interesting background and historical work. The page includes a
translation of E738.
- Euler published one other work on derangements, namely E201
- The Euler Archive attempts to monitor current scholarship for articles and books that may be of interest to Euler Scholars. Selected references we have found that discuss or cite E738 include:
- Takacs L., �On the probleme-des-menages.� Discrete Mathematics, 36 (3), pp. 289-297 (1981).
- Takacs L., �The problem of coincidences.� Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 21 (3), pp. 229-244 (1980).
- Walsh TRS, Wright EM., �K-connectedness of unlabeled graphs.� Journal of the London Mathematical Society - second series, 18 (Dec), pp. 397-402 (1978).
- Wright EM., �Arithmetical properties of Euler's recontre number.� Journal of the London Mathematical Society - second series, 4 (Apr), pp. 437-& (1972).
- Wright EM., �Graphs on unlabeled nodes with a large number of edges.� Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 28 (Jun), pp. 577-594 (1974).
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