E268 -- Lettre de M. Euler à M. de la Grange

(Letter of Mr. Euler to Mr. de Lagrange)

Originally published with the full title: Lettre de M. Euler à M. de la Grange… Recherches dur la propogation des ébranlemens dans une (!) milieu élastique.

(based on Clifford A. Truesdell's introduction to Opera Omnia Series II, Volume 12)
This is a thorough abstract of the second of Euler's two great memoirs on the theory of sound. It served to establish his priority in the "discovery and publication of the material description for the motion of a continuum, in which the initial coordinates X, Y, and Z of the particles are taken, along with time, as independent variables." He shows that the complete history of the motion of the continuum is given by the functional equations

x = f(X, Y, Z, t), y = g(X, Y, Z, t), z = h(X, Y, Z, t).

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