E7 -- Tentamen explicationis phaenomenorum aeris

(Attempt at explanation of the phenomena of the air)

(based on Eric J. Aiton's introduction (written in English) to Opera Omnia Series 2, Volume 31)
In this paper, Euler elaborates on his theory of the atmosphere that he first explains in E2. According to this theory, each globule of air has a virtual vacuum at its center, surrounded by a rotating subtle matter that is itself enclosed in an aqueous crust. Note that in the case of very rarefied air, this theory agrees with Boyle's Law. On the other hand, in dealing with less rarefied air, Euler runs across a huge discrepancy between what his theory predicts and what Boyle's experiments showed; instead of discarding his theory, however, Euler says that Boyle's experiments were not accurate enough. Euler also presents some geometrical constructions of his equations. In addition, he deduces that as the humidity of the air decreases, the height of a barometer rises, and as the humidity of the air increases, the height of a barometer falls. He also says that the height of a barometer depends on the state of the whole atmosphere. Euler also derives a pressure-density relation for humid air.


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