Nova Acta Academiae Scientarum Imperialis Petropolitinae

Original Titles
English Titles

608Accuratior evolutio formularum pro filorum flexibilium aequilibrio et motu inventarum
609Considerations about rectilinear and oblique trajectories
610New demonstrations about the divisors of numbers of the form xx + nyy
611Investigatio curvarum quae similes sint suis evolutis vel primis vel secundis vel tertiis vel adeo ordinis cuiuscunque
612De motu globi heterogenei super plano horizontali, una cum dilucidationibus necessariis super motu vacillatorio
614Commentary on tractrix curves
615De viribus centripetis, ad curvas non in eodem plano sitas describendas, requisitis
616On the transformation of the divergent series 1 - mx + m(m+n)x2 - m(m+n)(m+2n)x3 + etc. into a continued fraction
617On the summation of series, in which the signs of the terms alternate
618Consideratio motus singularis, qui in filo perfecte flexili locum habere potest
619Enodatio difficultatis super figura terrae a vi centrifuga oriunda.
620An easy method for finding the integral of the formula ∫ (dx/x)(xn+p - 2xncosζ + xn-p)/(x2n - 2xncosθ + 1) in the case in which after integration it is put from x = 1 to x = ∞
621On the greatest use of the calculus of imaginaries in analysis
622Specimen singulare analyseos infinitorum indeterminatae
623De lineis rectificabilibus in superficie sphaeroidica quacunque geometrice ducendis
624De superficie coni scaleni, ubi imprimis intentes difficultates, quae in hac investigatione occurrunt, perpenduntur
625De viribus centripetis, ad curvas non in eodem plano sitas describendas, requisitis
626On the movement of three bodies mutually attracted above a straight line
627Solutio problematis mechanici
629The expansion of the integral formula ∫ dx(1/(1-x) + 1/(lx)) with the term extended from x = 0 to x = 1
630Uberior explicatio methodi singularis nuper expositae integralia alias maxime abscondita investigandi
631An easy and clear analysis for guiding those most abstruse series, by which not only the roots but even the powers of the roots of all algebraic equations are able to be expressed
632On innumerable types of most remarkable series, by which not only the roots but even too any power of the roots of all algebraic equations are able to be expressed
633De binis curvis algebraicis inveniendis, quarum arcus indefinite inter se sint aequales
634De motu oscillatorio tabulae suspensae et a vento agitatae
635Innumera theoremata circa formulas integrales, quorum demonstratio vires analyseos superare videatur
636On the multiplication of angles which are to be obtained by factors
637A new demonstration, with respect to which prevails the expansion of binomial powers by Newton even by fractional exponents
638On innumerable algebraic curves, of which the longitude is able to be measured by parabolic arcs
639On innumerable algebraic curves, of which the longitude is able to be measured by elliptical arcs
640Comparatio valorum formulae integralis ∫ (xp-1 dx)/(n√((1-xn)n-q)) a termino x = 0 usque ad x = 1 extensae
641De motu quodam maxime memorabili, satis quidem simplici, at solutu difficillimo
642On a singular rule for differentiating and integrating, which occurs in the sums of series
643A general method for investigating all the roots of an equation by approximation
644Innumerable forms of equations from all orders, of which a resolution is able to be exhibited
645On algebraic curves, of which the longitudes are expressed by the integral formula ∫ (vm-1 dv)/√(1-v2n)
646De duabus pluribusve curvis algebraicis in quibus si a terminis fixis aequales arcus abscindantur eorum amplitudines datam inter se teneant rationem
647De methodo tangentium inversa ad theoriam solidorum translata
648An easy solution of a problem, in which a circle is searched for, given three circles tangent to it
649De motu oscillatorio penduli circa axem cylindricum plano horizontali incumbentem
650De formulis differentialibus quae per duas pluresve quantitates datas multiplicatae fiant integrabiles
651Four most noteworthy theorems on the calculation of an integral
652On the general term of hypergeometric series
653De iterata integratione formularum integralium, dum aliquis exponens pro variabili assumitur
654Methodus facilis investigandi radium osculi ex principio maximorum et minimorum petita
655General observations about series, of which the terms arising for the sines or cosines of multiplied angles come forth
656On most memorable integrations arising from the calculation of imaginaries
657A supplement to the preceding dissertation about the integration of the formula ∫ (zm-1 dz)/(1-zn) in the case where z = v(cos(φ) + √(-1) sin(φ))
658De momentis virium respectu axis cuiuscunque inveniendis; ubi plura insignia symptomata circa binas rectas, non in eodem plano sitas, explicantur
659Methodus facilis omnium virium momenta respectu axis cuiuscunque determinandi
661Several considerations about hypergeometric series
662On the true value of the integral formula ∫ dx(l(1/x))n with the term extended from x = 0 all the way to x = 1
663Plenior expositio serierum illarum memoragilium, quae ex unciis potestatum binomii formantur
664Analytical exercises
665The evolution of a problem whose analytic solution is most difficult, while the synthetic solution for it is obvious
666Problema geometricum ob singularia symptomata imprimis memorabile
667De curvis hyperbolicis quae intra suas assymtotas spatium finitum includunt
683On a singular type of Diophantine questions and a most recondite method by which they are to be resolved
684On the roots of the infinite equation 0 = 1 - (xx)/(n(n+1)) + (x4)/(n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)) - (x6)/(n.....(n+5)) + etc.
685An analytical exercise, where in particular a most general summation of series is given
686Elucidations about the formula, in which the sines and cosines of angles are to be multiplied, where at once large difficulties are diluted
687De insignibus proprietatibus formularum integralium praeter binas variabiles etiam earum differentialia cuiuscunque ordinis involventium
688A most abstruse specimen of integral contained in the formula ∫ dx/((1+x)*4√(2xx-1))
689Integratio formulae differentialis maxime irrationalis, quam tamen per logarithmos et arcus circulares expedire licet
690The expansion of the integral formula ∫ dz(3+zz)/((1+zz)*4√(1+6zz+z4)) by logarithms and circular arcs
691Problema geometricum quo inter omnes ellipses quae per data quatuor puncta traduci possunt ea quaeritur quae habet aream minimam
692Solutio problematis maxime curiosi quo inter omnes ellipses quae circa datum triangulum circumscribi possunt ea quaeritur cuius area sit omnium minima
693On the center of similarity
694Later paper on formulas of imaginary integrals
695A succinct integration of the most memorable integral formula ∫ dz/((3±zz)*3√(1±3zz))
696On the cases in which the form x4 + kxxyy + y4 is permitted to be reduced to a square
697Investigatio superficierum quarum normales ad datum planum productae sint omnes inter se aequales
698Several speculations about the area of spherical triangles
699Inquiring on whether or not the number 100009 is prime
700On differential equations of the second degree which admit integration
701Formae generales differentialium, quae, etsi nulla substitutione rationales reddi possunt. tamen integrationem per logarithmos et arcus circulares admittunt
702De novo genere quaestionum arithmeticarum pro quibus solvendis certa methodus adhuc desideratur
703An easy method for finding series proceeding by the multiplication of the sines and cosines of angles, of which the use in the universal theory of astronomy is very great
704Disquisitio ulterior super seriebus secundum multipla cuiusdam anguli progredientibus
705Investigatio quarundam serierum, quae ad rationem peripheriae circuli ad diametrum vero proxime definiendam maxime sunt accommodatae
706On a new type of rational and highly convergent series, by which the ratio of the periphery to the diameter is able to be expressed
707On the outstanding use of the calculation of imaginations in the calculation of an integral
708On forms of the type mxx + nyy for exploring prime numbers by idoneals of them with remarkable properties
709On the expansion of the power of any polynomial 1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4 + etc.
710Example of the transformation of singular series
711A new and easy method for expressing for all algebraic equations not only their roots but also the powers of them by constructing series
712De corporibus cylindricis incurvatis
713An investigation of a triangle in which the distances of the angles from the center of gravity of it may be expressed rationally
714Exempla quarundam memorabilium aequationum differentialium, quas adeo algebraice integrare licet, etiamsi nulla via pateat variabiles a se invicem separandi
715On various ways of examining very large numbers, for whether or not they are primes
716The resolution of the Diophantine formula ab(maa+nbb) = cd(mcc+ndd) by rational numbers
717Solution to a problem of mechanics
718An easy method of finding several rather large prime numbers
719A more general method by which all adequately large numbers may be scrutinized for whether or not they are prime
720Special observations about linear differential equations
721De integrationibus difficillimis, quarum integralia tamen aliunde exhiberi possunt
722Analytical disquisitions on the expansion of the trinomial power (1+x+xx)n
724Research concerning some remarkable integrations in functional analysis with two variables known under the title of partial differentials
725An illustration of a paradox about the idoneal, or suitable, numbers
726A demonstration of a notable theorem of numbers a twelfth part of binomial powers
727A more accurate treatment of the problem of drawing the shortest line on a surface