E334 -- Recherches generales sur la mortalite et la multiplication du genre humain

(General investigations on the mortality and the multiplication of the human race)


Euler deals with questions of mortality and life expectancy. In particular, he addresses six questions (The questions here are taken from the translation by Richard Pulskamp):
  1. A certain number of men, of whom all are the same age, being given, to find how many of them are probably yet alive after a certain number of years.
  2. To find the probability that a man of a certain age be still alive after a certain number of years.
  3. One demands that probability that a man of a certain age will die in the course of a given year.
  4. To find the term in which a man of a given age is able to hope to survive, of the kind that it is equally probable that he die before this term as after.
  5. To determine the life annuity that it is just to pay to a man of any age all the years, until his death, for a sum which will have been advanced first.
  6. When the interested parties are some infants newly born and when the payment of the life annuities must begin only when they will have attained a certain age, to determine the amount of these life annuities.
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